Tuesday, June 06, 2006

You know I think I've reached this new level of maturity. I've been sitting around at home a lot the last couple of days, with only work staring at me, and its given me a hell of a lot of time to think about stuff.

I've decided that the people who really matter to me aren't necessarily the people I'm closest to. Sure they're people I care about, but I don't know for how long. I mean I honestly can't imagine being so involved in their lives say 20 years from now. Its the people I see once in a really really long time that give me such a rush that really matter. Its like spending time with them completes you ya know?

I've also decided that everything's complicated as it is, holding grudges doesn't help matters any. Sure some have really hurt me in the past, and it took ages to get over, but I'm in this new place now, and staying mad at them just isn't worth it.

Everyone sees me as this really superficial person. Like my only concern is how I look. Mach was telling me his girlfriend thinks I'm some major bitch, and I found myself not bothering in the least. I mean think what you want. Pass judgement if you need to, but it'd be nice if you bothered to know me first before.

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